1、I did a shoot for her last year.我去年帮她拍过照片。
2、Studies on Application of Leaf Shoot for Hybrid Cotton Resistance to Bollworm.抗虫杂交棉种植密度与叶枝利用效应研究
3、We'll begin next Thursday. We'll shoot for two weeks.我们将在下周四开始,得拍两周。
原创 | 2022-12-05 16:23:18 |浏览:1.6万
1、I did a shoot for her last year.我去年帮她拍过照片。
2、Studies on Application of Leaf Shoot for Hybrid Cotton Resistance to Bollworm.抗虫杂交棉种植密度与叶枝利用效应研究
3、We'll begin next Thursday. We'll shoot for two weeks.我们将在下周四开始,得拍两周。
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