1、I won't take up any more of your time.我不再占用你的时间了。
2、How much disk space will it take up?这会占用多少磁盘空间
3、They were not able to take up residence in their new home until the spring.他们到第二年春天才住进了新家。
4、It is wise of her to take up the job.她接受那项工作,真是太明智了。
原创 | 2022-12-04 18:42:05 |浏览:1.6万
1、I won't take up any more of your time.我不再占用你的时间了。
2、How much disk space will it take up?这会占用多少磁盘空间
3、They were not able to take up residence in their new home until the spring.他们到第二年春天才住进了新家。
4、It is wise of her to take up the job.她接受那项工作,真是太明智了。
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