宾语形式是incidence,因为名词可以直接做宾语,中文意思是n. 发生率入射
Authentic Italian cooking is very healthy—witness the low incidence of heart disease in Italy.正宗的意大利烹饪对健康非常有益,在意大利心脏病发病率低就是证据。
It sharply reduces the incidence of traffic accidents.
原创 | 2022-12-04 18:38:57 |浏览:1.6万
宾语形式是incidence,因为名词可以直接做宾语,中文意思是n. 发生率入射
Authentic Italian cooking is very healthy—witness the low incidence of heart disease in Italy.正宗的意大利烹饪对健康非常有益,在意大利心脏病发病率低就是证据。
It sharply reduces the incidence of traffic accidents.
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