词缀en+gine词源,中文意思是n. 发动机,引擎机车,火车头专用装备,器械工具,手段驱动力,推动力
A very severe explosion can damage the crankcase door and cause fire in the engine room.非常剧烈的爆炸会损坏曲轴箱防爆门,引起机仓着火。
These firms are regarded as the engine room of the economy.
原创 | 2022-12-04 17:46:33 |浏览:1.6万
词缀en+gine词源,中文意思是n. 发动机,引擎机车,火车头专用装备,器械工具,手段驱动力,推动力
A very severe explosion can damage the crankcase door and cause fire in the engine room.非常剧烈的爆炸会损坏曲轴箱防爆门,引起机仓着火。
These firms are regarded as the engine room of the economy.
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