courage的反义词前缀加dis 为discourage
discourage 作动词释义之一 if someone or something discourages you, they cause you to lose your enthusiasm about your actions. 使气馁
例句 It may be difficult to do at first. Don't let this discourage you. 开始做起来也许比较困难。不要让这个泄你的气。
原创 | 2022-11-30 18:58:43 |浏览:1.6万
courage的反义词前缀加dis 为discourage
discourage 作动词释义之一 if someone or something discourages you, they cause you to lose your enthusiasm about your actions. 使气馁
例句 It may be difficult to do at first. Don't let this discourage you. 开始做起来也许比较困难。不要让这个泄你的气。
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