Something的反义词是: nothing
The soil shall yield nothing to you .土地不会给你生长出任何东西了。
You have nothing to say to each other .你们俩人真是话不投机半句多。
For pound, nothing was quite sacred .对庞德而言,没有什么是神圣的。
Nothing could have been more repugnant to him .他觉得那最要不得了。
I suspose nothing ever stays the same .我想没有什么事是一成不变的。
Nothing could induce him to name a motive .没有办法教他说出动机来。
He had nothing concrete to fasten it upon .他抓不到什么具体的证据。
Nothing happened to shake their opinion .什么也不能改变他们的看法。
Propriety has nothing to do with reasons .恰当和明智是毫不相干的。
"you've nearly got nothing on, 'he said .“你穿得太少了”,他说。
Something的反义词是 Nothing.
Something的意思是有一点, Nothing的意思是什么都没有