name和dad发音不相同: /ei/,/æ/。
She lent her name to many worthy causes .她参与了许多有意义的事情。
The fair name of the city would be smirched .本城的名誉要遭受玷污。
Nothing could induce him to name a motive .没有办法教他说出动机来。
You have omitted my name from your list .你的名单上遗漏了我的名字。
In this way i acquired two additional names .这样我又多了两个头衔。
Index all the quoted names in a book .把书中提到的所有人名编入索引。
Inevitably mutt's name was mentioned .自然而然地,人们提到了马特。
How many names are there on your books ?你们的登记名册上共有多少人
The policeman took my name and address .警察记下了我的姓名和住址。
There is now no slight on her name .现在她的名声上,没有什么污点。