词根来源于morning,其构词法是词根morn+后缀ing,中文意思是n. 早晨黎明初期
The system was down all morning.系统整个上午都无法运行。
The morning has just flashed by.这个上午转眼就过去了。
The symptoms of morning sickness would be listed and horrors of childbirth pictured.它会列出晨吐的症状,描绘分娩的恐惧。
原创 | 2022-11-30 17:23:39 |浏览:1.6万
词根来源于morning,其构词法是词根morn+后缀ing,中文意思是n. 早晨黎明初期
The system was down all morning.系统整个上午都无法运行。
The morning has just flashed by.这个上午转眼就过去了。
The symptoms of morning sickness would be listed and horrors of childbirth pictured.它会列出晨吐的症状,描绘分娩的恐惧。
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