1、What is the opposite of heavy?重的反义词是什么
2、It is advisable to mix coarse grit into heavy soil to improve drainage.建议将粗砂掺到黏重的土壤里,以提高排水性能。
3、Many young people today are too heavy.现今许多青年人都过于肥胖。
原创 | 2022-11-30 17:13:06 |浏览:1.6万
1、What is the opposite of heavy?重的反义词是什么
2、It is advisable to mix coarse grit into heavy soil to improve drainage.建议将粗砂掺到黏重的土壤里,以提高排水性能。
3、Many young people today are too heavy.现今许多青年人都过于肥胖。
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