wind one's way 意思是是“蜿蜒前进”,后面一般接介词to,举个例子:The path winds its way to the top of the mountain.句子的意思为:wind 在这里是动词“绕.” 或 “蜿蜒.”的意思。wind one's way into指用巧妙的手段得到…feel one's way:摸索着走,谨慎行事这条小路蜿蜒通向山顶。
wind its way后用什么介词
wind its way后边加介词to,表示蜿蜒而行,顺延,例如:
1、A wandering river wind its way to the sea.一条蜿蜒曲折的河流(河)蜿蜒流入大海。
2、The two rivers mingle their waters to form a lake. wind its way to the sea。两条河汇流成一个湖。(河)蜿蜒流入大海。