1、A swan has white feathers and a long thin neck.天鹅长着白色的羽毛和长而细的脖子。
2、She wore a white dress with a thin blue sash她身着一件系有蓝色细腰带的白色连衣裙。
3、Wilbur crouched low, with his thin, curly tail toward the rat.威伯趴下来,把他那根又细又弯的尾巴朝向老鼠那边。
原创 | 2022-11-25 21:45:34 |浏览:1.6万
1、A swan has white feathers and a long thin neck.天鹅长着白色的羽毛和长而细的脖子。
2、She wore a white dress with a thin blue sash她身着一件系有蓝色细腰带的白色连衣裙。
3、Wilbur crouched low, with his thin, curly tail toward the rat.威伯趴下来,把他那根又细又弯的尾巴朝向老鼠那边。
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