The mix in the lunchbox includes 60% vegetables, 30% protein, and 10% fat.


The days of the ready-made, "you stick it in a lunchbox and carry it to school" are kind of done.


The bag contained her school gym clothes, a plastic canister with vitamin drinks, and a lunchbox.


She first went to kindergarten in Berkeley. In the first few days of school, she wore pinstriped pants and carried a Thomas lunchbox.

最初她在伯克利上幼儿园。上学头几天她穿着细条纹的裤子,背着 Thomas 便当盒。

Kids would beg for a new lunch box every year to keep up with the newest characters, even if their old lunchbox was perfectly usable.


I know I'm not alone here. I bet you loved your first lunchbox, too.


Unscanned, unsearched, my satchel could easily have held the odd grenade or an anthrax-stuffed lunchbox.


So have you seen my lunchbox or not?
