1、Pay attention when things go well当事情进展顺利时要留心
2、Pay attention to the signs of love around you, because you know that life has an end.留心身边爱的讯号,因为你知道生命是有尽头的。
3、and to pay attention to my application.让他留心我的申请
原创 | 2022-11-25 12:58:30 |浏览:1.6万
1、Pay attention when things go well当事情进展顺利时要留心
2、Pay attention to the signs of love around you, because you know that life has an end.留心身边爱的讯号,因为你知道生命是有尽头的。
3、and to pay attention to my application.让他留心我的申请
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