根据题意,单词under的同类词语有in,on等等。因为under是一个介词,on,in也是介词。例如,his father is drawing a picture under the big tree.他的爸爸在这棵大树底下画画。
my sister is on the bed because she has a cold.我的妹妹在床上,因为她感冒了。
原创 | 2022-11-25 10:58:06 |浏览:1.6万
根据题意,单词under的同类词语有in,on等等。因为under是一个介词,on,in也是介词。例如,his father is drawing a picture under the big tree.他的爸爸在这棵大树底下画画。
my sister is on the bed because she has a cold.我的妹妹在床上,因为她感冒了。
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