
well的比较级: better

am little better than a dependant .我比寄人篱下的仆从好不了多少。

I'd incriminate myself as well as you .我就会把自己和你都牵连进去。

He acquitted himself well of his task .他在好好地履行着自己的职责。

That 's the best tidings for the future .那对前途说来是最好的消息。

Chew your food well before you swallow it .食物在吞咽前要仔细咀嚼。

He was very courteous and well spoken .他非常殷勤好客,说话又漂亮。

Your best bet is to sell them now .你现在最好的办法就是把它们卖掉。

They consider it better to do it that way .他们以为那样做比较妥当。

Bright light is the painter's best friend .明亮的光线对画家最有利。

He can cook , and he does it jolly well .他会做饭,并且做得特别好。