Warriors of the night, assemble! 夜之战士们,起来
We are poised to strike! 随时准备战斗
We must act! 我们得了
I am vigilant! 我时刻警惕Trust in my command. 相信我的指挥吧
Leading the way! 领路
Onward! 前进
As I thought. 正合我意The Godess agrees. 正如女神所愿By the Godess! 以女神的力量
原创 | 2022-11-25 07:57:41 |浏览:1.6万
Warriors of the night, assemble! 夜之战士们,起来
We are poised to strike! 随时准备战斗
We must act! 我们得了
I am vigilant! 我时刻警惕Trust in my command. 相信我的指挥吧
Leading the way! 领路
Onward! 前进
As I thought. 正合我意The Godess agrees. 正如女神所愿By the Godess! 以女神的力量
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