!edible反义词加前缀un,unedible中文意思是adj. 不能吃的不适于食用的
They don't waste their time on some inedible thing from their point of view.他们不会为不能吃的东西浪费时间,从他们的角度来看。
But many Africans and Asians who snack on insects consider shellfish inedible.
原创 | 2022-11-24 22:50:09 |浏览:1.6万
!edible反义词加前缀un,unedible中文意思是adj. 不能吃的不适于食用的
They don't waste their time on some inedible thing from their point of view.他们不会为不能吃的东西浪费时间,从他们的角度来看。
But many Africans and Asians who snack on insects consider shellfish inedible.
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