1、I might get a paper in the village我或许能在村子里找到一份报纸。
2、At one time 400 men, women and children lived in the village.曾经有400个男人、女人和孩子居住在村子里。
3、Houses in the village are now too pricey for local people to afford.如今该村庄的房价太高,当地人根本买不起。
原创 | 2022-11-24 20:38:43 |浏览:1.6万
1、I might get a paper in the village我或许能在村子里找到一份报纸。
2、At one time 400 men, women and children lived in the village.曾经有400个男人、女人和孩子居住在村子里。
3、Houses in the village are now too pricey for local people to afford.如今该村庄的房价太高,当地人根本买不起。
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