
1、All the girls nodded and said 'Hi'.所有的女孩都点头招呼道:“嗨!”

2、Hi, guys. How are you doing?嗨,伙计们,大家还好吧

3、He grinned, waved, and said, 'Hi!'他咧嘴笑了笑,挥挥手说:“嗨!”

4、Hi everyone, we all know why we are here today, so let's cut to the chase.嗨,各位,大伙儿都知道今天我们为什么在这里,那就直入正题吧。


high同音词是:  hi

The colossus would soar higher into the sky .这一庞然大物高耸云霄。

Elizabeth nodded, her head high .伊丽莎白点了点头,她的头昂得很高。

He bragged that he was the highest scorer .他夸口他是最高的得分手。

What those people valued was high wages .这些人所希罕的就是高工钱。

Pennsylvania republicans were riding high .宾州共和党可称显赫一时。