1、The snow-capped mountain stood out in sharp relief against the blue sky.白雪覆盖的高山在蓝天的映衬下格外醒目。
2、Such a thin padded coat cannot ward off the cold mountain wind.这么薄的棉衣在高山上挡不住寒风。
3、The road passes over a steep mountain.这条路翻越一架陡峭的高山。
原创 | 2022-11-24 18:07:25 |浏览:1.6万
1、The snow-capped mountain stood out in sharp relief against the blue sky.白雪覆盖的高山在蓝天的映衬下格外醒目。
2、Such a thin padded coat cannot ward off the cold mountain wind.这么薄的棉衣在高山上挡不住寒风。
3、The road passes over a steep mountain.这条路翻越一架陡峭的高山。
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