can后面有两个动词的时候,可以把两个动词中间加上一个and.例如the boy can swim and dance.这个男孩会游泳,也会跳舞。
The little girl can play the guitar and play the piano.这个小女孩会弹吉他,也会弹钢琴。
I can draw pictures and write stories.
原创 | 2022-11-24 16:59:40 |浏览:1.6万
can后面有两个动词的时候,可以把两个动词中间加上一个and.例如the boy can swim and dance.这个男孩会游泳,也会跳舞。
The little girl can play the guitar and play the piano.这个小女孩会弹吉他,也会弹钢琴。
I can draw pictures and write stories.
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