动词变为现在分词时,直接在词尾加ing,不能把y变为i,再加ing。例如:study—studying(学习) carry—carrying(搬运),worry—worrying(担心)等。例如:
They are studying on the Internet 他们正在网上学习。
He is carrying water for the old woman. 他正在为老太太挑水。
She is worrying about her son. 她正在为她儿子担心。
原创 | 2022-11-24 15:09:49 |浏览:1.6万
动词变为现在分词时,直接在词尾加ing,不能把y变为i,再加ing。例如:study—studying(学习) carry—carrying(搬运),worry—worrying(担心)等。例如:
They are studying on the Internet 他们正在网上学习。
He is carrying water for the old woman. 他正在为老太太挑水。
She is worrying about her son. 她正在为她儿子担心。
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