Rice大米米饭水稻,是一个名词,他是没有反义词的,例如There is some rice in the bowl,碗里有些米饭,Do you eat rice for lunch at school,在学校里,你们午餐吃米饭吗
They grow rice in the south of China,在中国南方,他们种植水稻,袁隆平is called the father of rice,袁隆平被称为中国水稻之父
原创 | 2022-11-24 12:42:26 |浏览:1.6万
Rice大米米饭水稻,是一个名词,他是没有反义词的,例如There is some rice in the bowl,碗里有些米饭,Do you eat rice for lunch at school,在学校里,你们午餐吃米饭吗
They grow rice in the south of China,在中国南方,他们种植水稻,袁隆平is called the father of rice,袁隆平被称为中国水稻之父
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