反义词前缀是non -absolute,中文意思是adj,非绝对的
In other words, Garbage-First is not a hard real-time collector - it meets the soft real-time goal with high probability but not absolute certainty.换句话说,Garbage - First并不是一个纯粹的实时收集器——它以高概率但不绝对地满足软实时目标。
原创 | 2022-11-24 08:27:10 |浏览:1.6万
反义词前缀是non -absolute,中文意思是adj,非绝对的
In other words, Garbage-First is not a hard real-time collector - it meets the soft real-time goal with high probability but not absolute certainty.换句话说,Garbage - First并不是一个纯粹的实时收集器——它以高概率但不绝对地满足软实时目标。
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