1、Lionesses bearing cubs in the zoo is nothing new now.狮子在动物园繁殖早已屡见不鲜了。
2、A small lion was cubbed in the zoo.一只幼狮在动物园出生了。
3、The two pandas have begun their new life in the zoo.两只大熊猫在动物园里落了户。
原创 | 2022-11-24 08:10:52 |浏览:1.6万
1、Lionesses bearing cubs in the zoo is nothing new now.狮子在动物园繁殖早已屡见不鲜了。
2、A small lion was cubbed in the zoo.一只幼狮在动物园出生了。
3、The two pandas have begun their new life in the zoo.两只大熊猫在动物园里落了户。
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