1、All alone in the dark forest, Goldilocks suddenly found something shining.金凤花姑娘独自一人身处漆黑的森林里,突然发现有东西在闪闪发光。
2、But that is the point of the Goldilocks logic.不过,这正是“金发女孩”逻辑的依据。
3、Goldilocks was eight years old now.现在戈笛洛克斯八岁了。
原创 | 2022-11-23 22:19:16 |浏览:1.6万
1、All alone in the dark forest, Goldilocks suddenly found something shining.金凤花姑娘独自一人身处漆黑的森林里,突然发现有东西在闪闪发光。
2、But that is the point of the Goldilocks logic.不过,这正是“金发女孩”逻辑的依据。
3、Goldilocks was eight years old now.现在戈笛洛克斯八岁了。
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