1、The fish I caught was yay big.我钓的鱼有这么大呢。
2、 Running a car is a big expense.养一辆车开销很大。
3、 This shirt isn't big enough.这件衬衣不够大。
4、 She loved the big old house.她喜爱那座古老的大房子。
5、There's a big split in the tent.帐篷上撕了一个大口子。
原创 | 2022-11-20 22:46:21 |浏览:1.6万
1、The fish I caught was yay big.我钓的鱼有这么大呢。
2、 Running a car is a big expense.养一辆车开销很大。
3、 This shirt isn't big enough.这件衬衣不够大。
4、 She loved the big old house.她喜爱那座古老的大房子。
5、There's a big split in the tent.帐篷上撕了一个大口子。
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