动词是go off line,中文意思是下线
Another advantage to reading is that you can "go off-line and think about what you read," says James M. Royer, another psychology professor at U. Mass. Amherst.阅读的另一个优势是可以“中止并思考阅读内容”,另一位埃莫斯特大学心理学教授詹姆斯·m·罗伊(James m . Royer)如是说。
原创 | 2022-11-19 05:28:39 |浏览:1.6万
动词是go off line,中文意思是下线
Another advantage to reading is that you can "go off-line and think about what you read," says James M. Royer, another psychology professor at U. Mass. Amherst.阅读的另一个优势是可以“中止并思考阅读内容”,另一位埃莫斯特大学心理学教授詹姆斯·m·罗伊(James m . Royer)如是说。
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