郁金香(学名:Tulipa gesneriana L.)是百合科郁金香属的多年生草本植物,具鳞茎。
例句:郁金香今年开得很早,因为冬天不很冷。The tulips have come out early this year because of the mild winter.我们园子里的郁金香已经盛开。The tulips in our garden are in bloom now.
原创 | 2022-11-19 01:53:34 |浏览:1.6万
郁金香(学名:Tulipa gesneriana L.)是百合科郁金香属的多年生草本植物,具鳞茎。
例句:郁金香今年开得很早,因为冬天不很冷。The tulips have come out early this year because of the mild winter.我们园子里的郁金香已经盛开。The tulips in our garden are in bloom now.
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