By the way , do you do your own laundry ?对了,你是不是自己洗衣服
Is this the way the lab is usually kept ?实验室一直都是这个样子吗
Pray tell me in what way i can reward you .请告诉我怎样酬答你才好。
They consider it better to do it that way .他们以为那样做比较妥当。
In this way i acquired two additional names .这样我又多了两个头衔。
A comic scene follows by way of relief .接着来一个喜剧场面以资调剂。
He is not going to make a killing that way.他不会靠那种方法发横财。
She had to work her way through law school .她须半工半读学习法律。
There is no sign of him mending his ways .看不出他有改进方式的迹象。