根据题意,介绍教室里面的颜色,可以用英语这样表达,The desks are yellow,这些桌子是黄色的。
the chairs are yellow, too.这些椅子也是黄色的。
The wall is white.这堵墙是白色的。
The Windows are green,这些窗户是绿色的。
There are two dictionaries. And they are yellow.
原创 | 2022-11-17 14:27:01 |浏览:1.6万
根据题意,介绍教室里面的颜色,可以用英语这样表达,The desks are yellow,这些桌子是黄色的。
the chairs are yellow, too.这些椅子也是黄色的。
The wall is white.这堵墙是白色的。
The Windows are green,这些窗户是绿色的。
There are two dictionaries. And they are yellow.
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