crowd的形容词为crowded它的反义词是uncrowded, uncrowded的中文意思是adj. 宽敞的不拥挤的
It's relatively clean and uncrowded, and a good choice for most visitors to India.比较干净、也不拥挤、适合大多数来印度的游客。
You should give others their personal space in an uncrowded elevator.
原创 | 2022-11-15 11:02:36 |浏览:1.6万
crowd的形容词为crowded它的反义词是uncrowded, uncrowded的中文意思是adj. 宽敞的不拥挤的
It's relatively clean and uncrowded, and a good choice for most visitors to India.比较干净、也不拥挤、适合大多数来印度的游客。
You should give others their personal space in an uncrowded elevator.
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