profit反义词前缀是nonprofit ,nonprofit中文意思是adj. 非盈利的不以盈利为目的的
A chief financial officer at a for-profit company may well be able to step into the CEO or COO role at a nonprofit company.营利性企业的一位首席财务官在非营利性机构中有可能担任 CEO 或 COO。
原创 | 2022-11-15 15:41:27 |浏览:1.6万
profit反义词前缀是nonprofit ,nonprofit中文意思是adj. 非盈利的不以盈利为目的的
A chief financial officer at a for-profit company may well be able to step into the CEO or COO role at a nonprofit company.营利性企业的一位首席财务官在非营利性机构中有可能担任 CEO 或 COO。
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