1、I've divided the money in half.我把钱平均分成了两半。
2、Cut the cake in half horizontally and spread jam on one half.把蛋糕横切成两半,把果酱涂在半面上。
3、Now cut the tomatoes in half.把西红柿都切成两半。
4、Cut the banana in half lengthways.把香蕉竖着切成两半。
原创 | 2022-11-15 14:23:12 |浏览:1.6万
1、I've divided the money in half.我把钱平均分成了两半。
2、Cut the cake in half horizontally and spread jam on one half.把蛋糕横切成两半,把果酱涂在半面上。
3、Now cut the tomatoes in half.把西红柿都切成两半。
4、Cut the banana in half lengthways.把香蕉竖着切成两半。
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