1、The hunter brought down a deer.猎人打倒了一只鹿。
2、He shot a deer in the forest.他在森林里射杀了一只鹿。
3、He runs as quickly as a deer.他跑得像一只鹿一样快。
4、His body, even now, had the poise and grace of a deer.从他身上仍可以见到有一种鹿一般矫健的体态和风姿。
原创 | 2022-11-14 14:44:42 |浏览:1.6万
1、The hunter brought down a deer.猎人打倒了一只鹿。
2、He shot a deer in the forest.他在森林里射杀了一只鹿。
3、He runs as quickly as a deer.他跑得像一只鹿一样快。
4、His body, even now, had the poise and grace of a deer.从他身上仍可以见到有一种鹿一般矫健的体态和风姿。
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