1、He started with nothing but raw talent and determination.他起家时只有天生的才能和决心。
2、With nothing but his own talent, he made himself rich and famous.他一无所有,仅靠自身才能就变得富有而出名。
3、The company is crying out for fresh new talent.公司急需具有最新理念的人才。
原创 | 2022-11-13 18:03:09 |浏览:1.6万
1、He started with nothing but raw talent and determination.他起家时只有天生的才能和决心。
2、With nothing but his own talent, he made himself rich and famous.他一无所有,仅靠自身才能就变得富有而出名。
3、The company is crying out for fresh new talent.公司急需具有最新理念的人才。
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