realistic的动词是realize 和名词是realist,realist中文意思是n. 现实主义者实在论者
Although Millet was a realist painter, and Van Gogh a post-impressionist, the two paintings still share lots of features.虽然米莱是一个现实主义画家,而梵高是后印象派画家,但这两幅画仍然有很多共同的特点。
原创 | 2022-10-29 02:01:38 |浏览:1.6万
realistic的动词是realize 和名词是realist,realist中文意思是n. 现实主义者实在论者
Although Millet was a realist painter, and Van Gogh a post-impressionist, the two paintings still share lots of features.虽然米莱是一个现实主义画家,而梵高是后印象派画家,但这两幅画仍然有很多共同的特点。
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