COC部落战争找回丢失游戏进度方法COC部落战争中如何防止由于刷机或者更新丢失游戏进度呢?请安卓版用户一定要把你的村庄关联到GOOGLE+上去,这就相当于苹果的GAME SENTER,绑好之后,无论你刷机,更新只要登录GOOLE+,你原来的进度就会回来。 如果没绑定GOOGLE+导致进度丢失的同学请看这里。SC官网提供了一个找回进度的办法:

1,进入游戏, 完成新手任务, 建立一个新的村庄, 并且把它关联到GOOGLE+


3,点 EMAIL后选连接问题,发送邮件( 最好是英文 ) , 然后填写以下信息:Name of village:你村庄的名字Name of the clan you are part of :你部落的名字Town hall level: 你基地等级Date and time your last play session:你最后上线的日期如果你购买过宝石,把发票号带上,可能会有帮助发送邮件后,你会收到一封邮件,内容大概是这样:Your request (#1116819) has been received, and is being reviewed by our support staff. We'll contact you as soon as we have an answer for you.如果你完成了第1步,几天后(LZ等了4天)你会收到封回信:I have now found your old village and swapped the Google+ so please launch the game to see if it was recovered. You should see a popup asking if you want to recover your village. Please note that if you select "Yes" from this popup, you will lose the village in the background.If that does not work, you might need to log out of your current Game Center account and log back in.I apologize for the delay. Let me know if you need more help with this.Have a great day,内容大概就是,客服已经把你原先的进度粘贴到你的GOOGLE+帐号上,你再登录游戏的时候会出现你原来进度的提示,选是,覆盖掉你新建的村庄,这样你的进度就回来了。