promise come: 承诺来。"I shall only come if you promiae not to do what you said," insisted the boy. 男孩坚持说"只要你承诺不和你说的那样我就来"。
coming: adj.即将发生的下一个的刚刚开始的v.来到达……n.(新事物的)到来。where's that smell coming from?这种气味来自哪儿?
原创 | 2022-10-28 19:08:37 |浏览:1.6万
promise come: 承诺来。"I shall only come if you promiae not to do what you said," insisted the boy. 男孩坚持说"只要你承诺不和你说的那样我就来"。
coming: adj.即将发生的下一个的刚刚开始的v.来到达……n.(新事物的)到来。where's that smell coming from?这种气味来自哪儿?
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