词组是play the devil with,意思是使失败、搞糟,例如:
1、Alice would play the devil with me for my stupidity.爱丽丝会对我的愚蠢的行为十分恼火的。
2、These rough roads play the devil with the tyres of your car.这些崎岖不平的路弄坏你汽车的轮胎。
原创 | 2022-10-21 19:27:03 |浏览:1.6万
词组是play the devil with,意思是使失败、搞糟,例如:
1、Alice would play the devil with me for my stupidity.爱丽丝会对我的愚蠢的行为十分恼火的。
2、These rough roads play the devil with the tyres of your car.这些崎岖不平的路弄坏你汽车的轮胎。
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