是flying,中文意思是adj. 能飞的飞身做出的快速运动的短暂的,n. 飞行。
v. 飞飞行,航行驾驶(飞行器)快速移动(时间)飞逝(fly 的现在分词)
I'm flying to Hong Kong tomorrow.明天我要乘飞机去香港。
We were flying above the clouds.
He has a phobia about flying.
原创 | 2022-10-20 03:34:46 |浏览:1.6万
是flying,中文意思是adj. 能飞的飞身做出的快速运动的短暂的,n. 飞行。
v. 飞飞行,航行驾驶(飞行器)快速移动(时间)飞逝(fly 的现在分词)
I'm flying to Hong Kong tomorrow.明天我要乘飞机去香港。
We were flying above the clouds.
He has a phobia about flying.
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