be good at的同义词是do well in,擅长在……方面做得好在……干得好。
例句:He will do well in that work because he has a lot on the ball.
另外还有,be skilled in,在…方面熟练擅长精通。
例句:A process is required for this and managers must be skilled in using it.
原创 | 2022-10-20 03:05:35 |浏览:1.6万
be good at的同义词是do well in,擅长在……方面做得好在……干得好。
例句:He will do well in that work because he has a lot on the ball.
另外还有,be skilled in,在…方面熟练擅长精通。
例句:A process is required for this and managers must be skilled in using it.
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